I LEAD- Are you a leader?

iLEAD is an exciting series on Leadership. This series will help unpack different perceptions on leadership and help unlock the leader within. Topics to look out for are Qualities of a leader, Leadership models, Leadership philosophies, Personal mastery, Emotional intelligence, Networking strategies, and many more. To get the most out of this series, be sure to tune into the OTS with Juliana podcast . Subscribe to get latest updates on this series. Enjoy! Are you a leader? I am not quite sure when l became an actual leader. It is only now that l identify myself as a global leader because someone told me that it suits me(chuckle). Over the years l have noticed that people start behaving as leaders when they are given a certain task or role by someone. It is more like being handed a jacket. The jacket becomes the leadership role you are taking up. You put it on with so much pride and happiness knowing that you have been honoured by being handed the jacket of leadership. But ...