
I LEAD- Are you a leader?

iLEAD is an exciting series on Leadership. This series will help unpack different perceptions on leadership and help unlock the leader within. Topics to look out for are Qualities of a leader, Leadership models, Leadership philosophies, Personal mastery, Emotional intelligence, Networking strategies, and many more. To get the most out of this series, be sure to tune into the OTS with Juliana podcast . Subscribe to get latest updates on this series. Enjoy! Are you a leader? I am not quite sure when l became an actual leader. It is only now that l identify myself as a global leader because someone told me that it suits me(chuckle). Over the years l have noticed that people start behaving as leaders when they are given a certain task or role by someone. It is more like being handed a jacket. The jacket becomes the leadership role you are taking up. You put it on with so much pride and happiness knowing that you have been honoured by being handed the jacket of leadership. But ...


Kindness. It’s like walking with a plastic bag filled with water. A sharp thorn pricks the bag and small droplets of water drip from it forming a trail right behind you. 7.7+ billion people in the world. 7.7+ billion human hearts beating each second and over 8.7 million species on Earth, each carrying a gallon of affection, tenderness and concern for one another. Each day brings to us chances and opportunities to prick our gallons of kindness and make an impact in people’s lives, leaving them smiling. Thorns (people’s call for aid, assistance and support) prick us every moment of our lives but our response is determined by the thickness of our ‘plastic bags’- our ability and willingness to respond to nature’s call for help. 86 400 seconds in a day and we give ‘lack of time’ as a reason to not lend a helping hand to the disabled lady singing her lungs out, begging for food in the streets or the young teenager who has lost his bus fare to a robber. We give ‘lack of resources’ as j...

Lockdown Easter

“Hallelujah, you have won the victory Hallelujah, you have won it all for me Death could not hold you down You are the risen king Seated in majesty You are the risen king...” The Anthem EASTER. A time to honour the fulfilled prophecy of the Messiah who would be persecuted, die for our sins and rise on the third day ( Isaiah 53 ) . For long, it has been our way to renew daily hope that we have victory over sin. Many Christians worldwide usually gather and celebrate this season with special church services, music, candlelight dinners; not forgetting Easter bunnies, coloured eggs, gift baskets, and flowers. It has always been a time of joy and union for many families. However, things have drastically changed. Who knew that the entire continent would be faced with a catastrophic pandemic that would wipe away millions from this Earth? The Coronavirus, also known as Covid-19, has taken the Universe on a spin with multitudes in quarantine, self-isolation, or lockdown. As busines...

Why I would travel back in Time-SDG 3

It’s still as small as a grain of sand, yet has a great impact on mankind. It was meant to be sweet yet it has suddenly turned sour. It was once the best thing that was discovered by Asians but has become the source of illness for over 425 million people in the world. Everyone seems to like it, but l can no longer stand the taste of it. We have all consumed gallons of it, but it is only a matter of time till we face the consequences. I would travel back in time to stop the Refinement of sugar. I used to blame the Asians for discovering sugarcane. I mean, who would have thought that tall, fibrous grass, the world’s largest crop by production quantity that produces the sugar, would have caused diabetes (one of the lead causes of death in the world). However, after devoting seven years of my life towards studying sugar, l realised that the discovery of it wasn’t a problem but those who started it’s refinement about the year 1500 laid the foundation of suffering for most sugar consumer...

African Perspective on Feminism

The nineteenth and early twentieth centuries marked the first wave of feminism. We are now in the 21st century and the fight for feminism continues with more women fighting towards the same cause for gender equality. The main goal across continents has been to dismantle partriachal systems, however, the differences in geographical location have made the rates of attaining gender equality difficult to judge. The rate at which Africa is advancing the case for feminism is much lower than other continents and this can only be attributed to differences in context and location. Feminism has proved to be a contextual movement which should be tackled accordingly. Women in different societies are subjected to different challenges: women in North Africa fight more against traditional practices such as Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), whilst women in Europe fight more to enter political spaces. These are both fights against patriarchy but their intensity differs according to region. “Gender ...

Women's Land Rights (Zimbabwe)

In such a patriarchal community, where women are seen as objects undeserving of any power to lead in any sector, it is close to impossible to find a significant number of women with power over land. The processes of acquiring land are simply too long and tedious to complete. With corruption, Chiokomuhomwe in Shona, being the talk of the century, women in desperate need of this asset go to great lengths to access it. Those who are well off pay the humongous amounts requested by officials, some sell their bodies in exchange for land. It all happens behind closed doors, but there is one event which made me realize that as a continent, we have a long way to go till we appreciate the value of women, let alone acknowledge their power of ownership over land. What would you do if you lost your property because of someone’s death? “I regret the day my father, Papa Jo, took his last breath. That very day marked the beginning of decades of toiling and suffering, an end to my short period...

Youth In Power

Out of the 1.8+ billion young people in the world, how many have been empowered to participate in civic processes? There has been a huge difference in the way young people in developed countries and those in less developed countries react to the political and non-political affairs of their countries. Many reasons have been brought about to highlight reasons why young people in less developed countries have been less engaged in civic processes. Civic participation or civic engagement involves “working to make a difference in one's community and developing the combination of knowledge, skills, values, and motivation to make that difference”( Erlich ). Civic participation is simply taking ownership of the affairs of the community and contributing towards its development. The United Nations defines youths as people between the ages of 15 and 24, whilst the African Union regards people between the ages of 15 and 35 as youths. Age is a major factor in civic participation. According ...