Kindness. It’s like walking with a plastic bag filled with water. A sharp thorn pricks the bag and small droplets of water drip from it forming a trail right behind you.
7.7+ billion people in the world. 7.7+ billion human hearts beating each second and over 8.7 million species on Earth, each carrying a gallon of affection, tenderness and concern for one another. Each day brings to us chances and opportunities to prick our gallons of kindness and make an impact in people’s lives, leaving them smiling. Thorns (people’s call for aid, assistance and support) prick us every moment of our lives but our response is determined by the thickness of our ‘plastic bags’- our ability and willingness to respond to nature’s call for help.

86 400 seconds in a day and we give ‘lack of time’ as a reason to not lend a helping hand to the disabled lady singing her lungs out, begging for food in the streets or the young teenager who has lost his bus fare to a robber. We give ‘lack of resources’ as justification for not supporting the intelligent girl who aced her A Level Examinations but is failing to pay tuition for her undergraduate studies. She sits at home, working in the fields, trying her best to save up 20cents a day to add to her Education Savings Account. What about the lady next door who has lost her husband and two children to an accident? Are we willing to help? Are we willing to console her during this hard time? Who will take in that puppy wandering in the streets and give it a home it can call its own? Who else, except YOU?

Kindness is all about ‘service above self’; the ability to set aside our desires and put others first. It’s like replacing a human heart with a ‘sponge-like-heart’. The only difference being the carrying capacities. The ‘sponge-like heart’ has the ability to offer help to as many individuals as possible in a short space of time. Unlike the normal heart with four chambers-a small number of people assisted per unit time. With ‘sponge-like hearts’ we can easily retain our kindness and squeeze it out in varying quantities, according to the number of people who need our help. Being kind will never make us less human neither will it reduce our ability to flourish on Earth. If animals can do it, why can’t we?

Kindness is a personal choice. We are called to be kind but not forced to do so. However, in such a global village we are called to be our brother’s keepers. We are called to exercise sympathy and empathy to those in need of it and use whatever we have to ease people’s heavy burdens. It could be donating some money, sharing food with someone, helping an old person cross the traffic lights or even giving words of encouragement to someone about to give up. The list is endless. Acts of kindness can never seize to exist. What we all need is a selfless heart because kindness cannot be separated from selflessness.

How can we create a kinder society? We must give more, assist more, support more, love more and encourage more. We need to do more of everything.

Let’s think of US before ME. Let’s scrap off selfishness and replace it with selflessness. Let’s put ourselves in the shoes of those who are currently suffering and think of how we would feel if placed in a similar situation. Before we fight, torture or kill each other, let’s think of the family left behind after such a deed. Before we gossip about someone’s misfortune, let’s think of what we may benefit from talking behind someone’s back instead of helping them. Nothing. Before we pass by a street child begging for food, let’s see them as our own children begging for food. Help them.

Kindness will never cost a dime but it can dim the wraths of poverty, distress, pain or toiling in someone’s life. We have a role to play. Like Mahatma Gandhi, ’Be the change you want to see’, you and l must Do More!


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