Why I would travel back in Time-SDG 3

It’s still as small as a grain of sand, yet has a great impact on mankind. It was meant to be sweet yet it has suddenly turned sour. It was once the best thing that was discovered by Asians but has become the source of illness for over 425 million people in the world. Everyone seems to like it, but l can no longer stand the taste of it. We have all consumed gallons of it, but it is only a matter of time till we face the consequences. I would travel back in time to stop the Refinement of sugar.

I used to blame the Asians for discovering sugarcane. I mean, who would have thought that tall, fibrous grass, the world’s largest crop by production quantity that produces the sugar, would have caused diabetes (one of the lead causes of death in the world). However, after devoting seven years of my life towards studying sugar, l realised that the discovery of it wasn’t a problem but those who started it’s refinement about the year 1500 laid the foundation of suffering for most sugar consumers.

I remember the time when Benjamin Robins discovered the whirling arm apparatus. His apparatus sparked the idea of refinements. If it had not been for him, we could probably not be in this mess. Back in time, l would destroy all refining apparatus and pass a law, ’The non-refinement of sugar’ law, which would make it illegal to even think of refinements. Everything starts in the mind anyway.

Refined sugar: A sugar with little nutritional value yet causes obesity. A sugar that is easily digested yet leaves us feeling hungry even after consuming ten thousand gallons of it in an hour. It is the same type of sugar that caused my Chemistry teacher to collapse during an experiment, in front of 24 pairs of eyes and succumb to sugar diabetes just 6months ago. My heart was shattered, each piece thrown twelve feet under, never to be retrieved. Not forgetting my beloved Aunt Ryne who had a heart attack whilst shopping for her unborn child. Two lives lost in a second. May their souls and those who have perished due to sugar, rest in peace.
Back in time, l would make sure that the only sweetener around would be natural sugar which can only be found in fruits and dairy products. At least that way 95% of the people in the world would live a healthier life.

I would be a girl on my mission seeking to eradicate this diabetes caused by refined sugar. Then maybe if natural sugar was rushing through our blood vessels right now, with no sugar-related disease whatsoever then we would all be Supportive, United, Grateful, Accepting and Respectful (S.U.G.A.R) towards the idea of not having refined sugar at all. Refined sugar should never have existed.
It is high time we all take charge of our lives and be responsible for our well-being. Your health is your responsibility. Whatever sickness may come will affect you directly and you will suffer alone. You will bear the physical, mental, and spiritual pain. Say YES to eating healthy and Say NO to unhealthy eating habits. The ball is in your hands. Choose wisely. #yourhealthyourpride #goodhealthandwell-being #creativity Thoughts?


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