
It lies deep in the Southern region of Africa
Occupies a small percentage of a 30.37 million square kilometre continent
Some knew it as the breadbasket of Africa
To some, it was a mineral cabinet
What happened?
What happened to Zimbabwe?
Was it corruption that seized its prosperity?
Was it nepotism that hijacked its economy?
Was it greed that resulted in unemployment?
Was it inflation that complicated the exchange rate?
Whatever happened,
We were not prepared for it.
But it still came.
Corruption or not!
The presence or absence of sanctions
Zimbabwe's fate still lies within our hands
We, the Zimbabweans.
You might not be the individual who made the decision,
But someone made the decision on your behalf.
It is no longer an individual's mess.
It is now OUR chaos.
The world is not responsible for the rebuilding of Zimbabwe.
We are.
We can fix it!
Yes we can!
Those who thought we had reached a dead end,
And laughed at our calamities,
Will lift up their eyes
And marvel at the rise of a new Zimbabwe.
They will ask us,
‘What happened to your economy?’
We will respond,
‘God helped us to revive it’
Them: What happened to your infrastructure?
Us: God helped us to rebuild it
Them: What happened to Zimbabwe?
Us: It rose from the dust
Picked itself up
And rose.
Them: What happened to Zimbabweans?
Us: We established a VISION.
Yes, that's what we'll say to them.
Zimbabwe will rise again!
We shall recreate Zimbabwe.
We shall boost our own economy.
We shall abandon bribery and corruption.
We shall create a name for ourselves.
With God on our side
Who can be against us?
Anything is possible.
We have the power to revive Zimbabwe
We need one important weapon.
One powerful weapon to win this battle of change.
We need LOVE,
Love for our country.
Let us love our country.
Let us celebrate it!
If not us,
Then who else?
Who will develop Zimbabwe?
With LOVE and UNITY,
We can make it happen.
Let us own our country.
We are Zimbabwe.
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